Title: Of Silly Crushes and Advices [1/1] Author: FloweryMisha Pairing: JunSeung, slight!IlShik Warning: BoyxBoy love. Enough said. Summary: Ilhoon came to his father for dating advices.
Title: Tie The Knot [1/1] Author: FloweryMisha Pairing(s): JunSeung, slight!DooSeob and KiWoon Warning: BoyxBoy love. Enough said. Summary: Hyunseung was just scared. On the other hand, Junhyung’s not gonna give up. ( Read here... )
Title: Hate You The Most [1/1] Author: FloweryMisha Pairing: JunSeung Warning: BoyxBoy love. Enough said. Summary: When Hyunseung snaps. And he's not successful. ( Read here... )